Music and Staff Paper

Write your own sheet music and charts! Download free staff paper PDFs for bass, guitar and piano.

4-string bass tab paper

4-String Bass Tab Paper (PDF)

For bass players: Six systems of the Bass Clef Staff with a 4-string bass tab staff below.

5-string bass tab paper

5-String Bass Tab Paper (PDF)

For bass players: Six systems of the Bass Clef Staff with a 5-string bass tab staff below.

6-string bass tab paper

6-String Bass Tab Paper (PDF)

For bass players: Six systems of the Bass Clef Staff with a 6-string bass tab staff below.

Downloadable blank <a href=staff paper pdf" width="180" height="83" />

Blank Staff Paper (PDF)

For everyone: Blank, ten-stave staff paper.

Downloadable blank grand <a href=staff paper pdf" width="180" height="245" />

Grand Staff Paper (PDF)

For piano players: Blank, five-stave grand staff paper for piano (treble clef and bass clef).

guitar tab music paper

Guitar Tab Paper (PDF)

For guitar players: Six systems of the Treble Clef Staff with a 6-string guitar tab staff below.

Downloadable blank treble clef <a href=staff paper pdf" width="180" height="135" />

Blank Treble Clef Staff Paper (PDF)

For everyone: Blank, ten-stave staff paper in treble clef.

Downloadable blank bass clef <a href=staff paper pdf" width="180" height="92" />

Blank Bass Clef Staff Paper (PDF)

For bass players: Blank, ten-stave staff paper in bass clef.

Downloadable bass clef staff paper with barlines pdf

Bass Clef Staff Paper w/ Barlines (PDF)

For bass players: Blank, ten-stave staff paper in bass clef with barlines—four bars per stave. Perfect for transcribing walking lines.

Downloadable blank 32-bar bass clef <a href=staff paper pdf" width="180" height="203" />

Blank, 32-Bar Bass Clef Staff Paper (PDF)

For bass players: Blank, eight-stave staff paper in bass clef with barlines—four bars per stave. Great for jazz standards in the 32-bar AABA form and other 32-bar forms—one chorus per page. Write out those walking basslines and transcribe those solos.

Downloadable blank treble clef <a href=staff paper pdf" width="180" height="203" />

Blank Treble Clef Staff Paper (PDF)

For everyone: Blank, ten-stave staff paper in treble clef with barlines—four bars per stave. Perfect for transcribing jazz tunes, writing melodies, etc.

mode_comment I haven't touched an instrument in nearly 30 years, so I'm a beginner all over again. At the beginning of April I bought a bass. Due to social distancing I couldn't take lessons. I found StudyBass online and got right into it. After 7 weeks I would swear I'm a better player than I was when I stopped. I think It's phenomenal what you have put together. Your program has helped me to understand so much more about music and playing bass than knew before.
— Jeff M., StudyBasser

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